Koon’s Watch Sometimes it just seems so slow. Why are there limits? You’re late to work, late to school or to an important meeting. So, you speed a little bit to make up time. But, is it really worth it? After all, does an extra 10mph hurt anyone? The NationalContinue Reading

The Nation of Patriots’ 12th Annual Patriot Tour for Veterans will host a flag transfer ceremony in Irmo this Saturday, June 19. One flag bearer will receive the American Flag in the transfer ceremony at 2 pm at Harley Haven as part of the nationwide, city-to-city 14,500-mile, 115-day Patriot Tour.Continue Reading

Dominion Energy is helping residential electric customers in South Carolina reduce energy consumption and save money this summer through its heating and cooling equipment program. Eligible customers can receive rebates of up to $750 toward the cost of buying and installing new Energy Star-qualified central air conditioning systems, heat pumpsContinue Reading

For the fifth consecutive year, South Carolina’s Motor Fuel User Fee, which helps support road, bridge, and infrastructure construction in South Carolina, will increase from $0.24 to $0.26 per gallon beginning July 1. The increase is part of the South Carolina Infrastructure and Economic Development Reform Act passed by theContinue Reading

The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board is pleased to present Lake Murray’s 4th of July Celebration, scheduled for Saturday, July 3rd. The Boat Parade is back this year and will take place at 12pm. Boats of all sizes and shapes are invited to register; this year’s theme isContinue Reading