The night leading up to Championship Sunday at the Marathon Bassmaster Elite at Lake Murray, Drew Benton was angry. He could hardly sleep. After claiming the Day 2 lead with back-to-back bags over 23 pounds, Benton barely made the cut for the final day after catching just 14 pounds on Semifinal Saturday. HeContinue Reading

This final phase of brick sales will close Friday, April 21, 2023. The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board invites you to leave a legacy at the Lake Murray Dam. Your engraved brick will serve as a permanent and lasting memory in this community at the “Welcome to LakeContinue Reading

Congratulations to Miriam Atria, President/CEO of Lake Murray Country on receiving the Fred Brinkman Award for demonstrating an enduring and outstanding commitment to improving tourism in South Carolina. The award is named after the longest-serving director of the (SCPRT), the South Carolina Parks Recreation and Tourism. Atria could have beenContinue Reading

The United States Angling Confederation and Capital City Lake Murray Country is hosting the 16th annual 2022 Black Bass World Fishing Championship on Lake Murray October 16 – 22. Lake Murray is a world-class bass fishery proven by the number of top-level professional bass tournaments it hosts. The world championshipContinue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) and their event partners will host a Lakeside Litter Sweep litter cleanup event on Lake Murray September 17, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. KMB is seeking volunteers to clean up islands, shorelines, boat ramps, and natural areas around the lake. Volunteers are invited toContinue Reading

Capital City/Lake Murray Country (CCLMC) has announced Lake Murray marks one of the nine stops on the map for the 2023 Bassmaster Elite Series. B.A.S.S. has visited Lake Murray nine times for major events since 1991, but its most recent trip to the 50,000-acre Saluda River fishery was in 2011.Continue Reading