The Girl Scout Cookie Program is kicking off earlier than ever before in the upstate and midlands of South Carolina. Beginning December 15 cookie customers can order the Toast-Yay. alongside other favorites like Thin Mints and Caramel deLites. Though social distancing measures may keep families and friends apart, cookie customersContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch With Christmas season comes more generosity. People are giving and sharing and spreading holiday joy. This is the perfect time for thieves to take advantage of your generosity and distraction of holiday celebrations. They use world events like the newest vaccine to trick people into buying fake productsContinue Reading

The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) announced a driver who is employed by their subcontractor, RATP Dev USA, Inc., tested positive December 17 for the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. The driver last worked Tuesday and operated routes 501/55, bus unit 803. The driver will self-quarantine for 14Continue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful will be holding its annual Grinding of the Greens Christmas Tree Recycling December 26 – January 9. Drop-off locations are in Lexington and Richland Counties. For a complete list of Christmas Tree Drop-off locations in call 803-733-1139 or visit Free mulch from the recycled ChristmasContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Museum is celebrating the holiday season with special discounted admission, from December 26 – January 3. Guests are invited to explore four floors of exhibition galleries and experience exciting holiday shows, such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 4D, Laser Holidays, and more. “We are happy toContinue Reading