Leesville’s Hollow Creek Distillery begins production of Vodka With the recent announcement of a new 5,000sf building and a Community Service Award from Governor Henry McMaster for the production of hand sanitizer at the start of the pandemic, Hollow Creek Distillery is making news again. Owners Craig and Meredith AmickContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch In the almost six years I’ve served as your sheriff, I’ve made sure we, at the Sheriff’s Department, are doing all we can to help make Lexington County’s roads safer. We’ve worked with the South Carolina Highway Patrol to respond to crashes and on enforcement initiatives to saveContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement:   “This $1.9 trillion budget reconciliation package is nothing more than another wasteful wish list. This embarrassing legislation put forth by Democrats would use taxpayer dollars for frivolous big city projects and keep our schools closed as students continue to suffer. We mustContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green is announcing the arrests of two men who were caught by officers as they fled from a business where they had just stolen a catalytic converter from a vehicle. On Sunday morning, February 28, 2021, officers were dispatched to a business at the 200 block of SwartzContinue Reading

February 4, 1959 – February 27, 2021 West Columbia, South Carolina – Bill Mooneyhan, 62, loving and devoted husband of Laura H. Mooneyhan, of McSwain Drive West Columbia, passed away Saturday, February 27, 2021, unexpectedly at his home. Bill was born in Columbia, February 4, 1959, a son of theContinue Reading

Live music will fill the Irmo Community Park during a free concert of classic music and dance band tunes at the outdoor amphitheater Sunday, March 14 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Come meet the Riverland Band and hear music of many genres. Riverland will be presenting a wide varietyContinue Reading

A Columbia man and woman were arrested last week on multiple charges after detectives said the pair conspired to steal guns while employed by a shipping company. Keith Alexander Anderson-Salters, 20, and Alyssa Iyana Ray, 20, are both charged with five counts of sale or delivery of a stolen pistol,Continue Reading

By Al Dozier Local leaders called it a celebration of black history. The event Saturday was actually a “Restoration Ceremony” attended by several community leaders including Irmo Mayor Barry Walker Sr. They gathered at the site of the old, abandoned Upper Pine Grove Cemetery just off Archer’s Lane in theContinue Reading