The 10th annual Reggaetronic Lake Murray Music Festival is returning to Spence Island for some fun in the sun on Lake Murray on June 17. The lineup this year includes Artikal Sound System from South Florida, DJ Madds who recently played Lollapalooza in Chile and Brazil, Of Good Nature fromContinue Reading

Holes were discovered by the maintenance staff of Dominion Energy on the downstream slope of the original embankment of the earthen dam at Lake Murray. The holes were located in an area where wooden trestles were utilized during the original construction and due to decay of the timber and waterContinue Reading

A new development on Lake Murray, WhiteWater Landing, will be offering a one-day-only Pre-Construction Lake Lot Sale June 17 (rain or shine), future residents can buy now and build later on:  • Waterfront lots  • Golf course lots with views of the adjacent 18-hole private golf club  • Affordable lakeContinue Reading

From XVI World Bass Championship to Bassmaster Elite Series, and Major League Fishing’s Bass Pro Tour – Lake Murray is The Top Fishing Destination Photo Credit: Major League Fishing Columbia, S.C. – Over the last 6 months Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board (CCLMC) has hosted the biggest andContinue Reading

By Linda L. Warren, FSO – Public Affairs, Flotilla 12-3 Lake Murray Every year we read or hear about a fisherman who has gone missing on Lake Murray, only to be found hours or days later, sometimes in good shape, sometimes not. A Float Plan is one of the bestContinue Reading