The Mid-Carolina Daylily Society will present its 23rd annual show and sale on June 3 at the Asbury Memorial Methodist Church located at 1005 Asbury Drive, Columbia. Admission is free and open to the public from 1 – 4 pm. Entries for the show will be accepted from 8 –Continue Reading

CHAMBER CRAWL brings small classical ensembles to your favorite neighborhood watering holes. We’re heading downtown on Wednesday, May 26 to the original Craft & Draft (2706 Devine St, Columbia, SC 29205). Doors are at 6:00 PM, and the concert is at 7:00 PM. Tickets are only $20, and Craft &Continue Reading

May 23 proclaimed Dr. Tom Mullikin Day in historic Kershaw County, S.C.   By Alex Junes-Ward Dr. Thomas Stowe “Tom” Mullikin received a somewhat unique – most assuredly rare – honor from Kershaw County (S.C.) Council, Tuesday evening, May 23, when the Camden-based attorney, retired military officer, and global expeditionContinue Reading

Holes were discovered by the maintenance staff of Dominion Energy on the downstream slope of the original embankment of the earthen dam at Lake Murray. The holes were located in an area where wooden trestles were utilized during the original construction and due to decay of the timber and waterContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Fair has announced the 2023 recipients of its annual Ride of Your Life Scholarship program. For the first time in more than a decade, the S.C. State Fair increased its total scholarship investment to $500,000 — awarding each recipient with $10,000. In addition, thanks to CircleContinue Reading