The 2019 Division I-AA Coaches Pitch Lexington National Allstars have won the state championship and will represent the state of South Carolina in the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series. They will be heading to the World Series in Ruston, Louisiana at the end of the month. Team Members are: EvansContinue Reading

Story and photos by Jennifer Scales, Columbia VA Health Care System Public Affairs Shoes, blankets, socks, sweat shirts, toiletries and other items were provided during an internal Needs Stand Down, June 27 at the Columbia VA Health Care System. Veterans on the receiving and giving end of this event wereContinue Reading

Ok, Husbands and wives, friends and lovers are you ready for the annual LMYRA couples Race? This race can be a real test of teamwork between husband and wife, friends, lovers or a test of their relationship depending on their experience and approach to the racing and sailing in general.Continue Reading

Hattie’s View With exception of two elderly Grandpas there were no men on our block. The young fathers and husbands were all deployed. We lived on the 1100 block of Greene Street, at Lower Main, in downtown Columbia.   Mom, baby brother Len and I, were surviving with the helpContinue Reading

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has released the identity of the 10-year-old boy who was pronounced dead after being found unresponsive in a relative’s swimming pool. The incident occurred in the West Columbia area shortly before noon July 11. Mack D. Bonnett Jr. of Pelion was found face down inContinue Reading

The new enabling park in West Columbia continues to grow and will provide more access to the river, and Riverwalk. “It is a very unique park,” said Beautification Foundation Chairwoman Melissa Sprouse-Browne. “There is nothing else like it.” The Enabling Park is not only of local interest, it will drawContinue Reading