A recent report from the National Park Service (NPS) reveals that Congaree National Park experienced a record-breaking 250,114 visitors in 2023, who collectively spent approximately $14,881,000 in nearby communities. This influx of spending not only supported 173 jobs in the local area but also contributed nearly $18,000,000 in total economic output to the local economy.

“I’m so proud that our parks and the stories we tell make a lasting impact on more than 300 million visitors a year,” stated National Park Service Director Chuck Sams. He emphasized the positive effects visitors have on local economies and jobs across the country.

Superintendent Greg Hauburger added, “In 2023, Congaree once again set a new park visitation record, with over 250,000 annual visitors coming to experience what makes this park a truly unique and extraordinary landscape to explore. I am thrilled that the park helps strengthen the local economy, supporting almost $15 million of spending in our gateway communities.”

The NPS report, titled 2023 National Park Visitor Spending Effects, indicates that 325.5 million visitors nationwide spent a total of $26.4 billion in communities surrounding national parks. This spending supported 415,400 jobs, provided $19.4 billion in labor income, and contributed $55.6 billion to the U.S. economy. The lodging sector alone made the highest direct contributions, generating $9.9 billion in economic output and supporting 89,200 jobs. Restaurants also saw significant benefits, contributing $5.2 billion and 68,600 jobs.

For those interested in exploring the economic impact of national parks further, the NPS has created an interactive tool that details visitor spending, job creation, labor income, and total economic contributions by sector. This tool and the full report can be accessed on the NPS website.

To learn more about the national parks in South Carolina and how the NPS collaborates with local communities to preserve history, conserve the environment, and provide recreational opportunities, visit the NPS South Carolina webpage: U.S. National Park Service.

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